In the show, the siblings often appear in other characters' skits, usually chased by Ralph, the security guard most other characters are confined to their own segments. Their personalities in comical-humor-wise are similar, yet unique, mostly if not counted comic-wise. Yakko (the oldest child) is a wise-cracking smart-aleck and usually acts as the leader of the trio Wakko (the middle child) has a Liverpool accent, a huge appetite and a gag bag filled with tricks, and Dot (the youngest child) is cute, sassy and witty. Yakko, Wakko, and Dot, the " Warner Brothers (and the Warner Sister)", are the main characters of Animaniacs, voiced by Rob Paulsen, Jess Harnell, and Tress MacNeille. “ It's time for An-iman-iacs, And we're za-ny to the max, So just sit back and relax, You'll laugh 'til you collapse, We're an-i-man-iacs” ―All singing